Oh sweet, dear, loveable Brooksie! Brooksie celebrated his 3rd birthday with the coolest shark party in June! Brooks has a crazy obsession with sharks, so this was a perfect celebration for him. He had a blast! And I loved planning this cool party for my big boy!
Shark party! Na-na, na-na, na-na...
July-AugustIn July we celebrated by going to the beach. TWICE. Boys are no longer afraid of the ocean. Parker likes to eat sand. They had a ball!
We spent the 4th of July at the zoo!
Cousins playing on the beach.
Parker loved the water spout!
Big boys playing in the sand.
At the end of the month, Parker got rid of his paci. Look at that sweet smile!
In September the Kurtz boys started school! This was Brooks' second year and Parker's first. They go two mornings a week and LOVE it! Also in September, baby Parker turned TWO! We celebrated with a farm party... complete with farm animals! The boys thought it was fantastic!
Kurtz boys ready for two year old and three year old Mother's Day Out!
Baby Parker ready for his very first day of school!!
Parker's Farm Party!
Big boy Parker on the horse.
In October, we celebrated all things FALL & Halloween! The boys went to Mrs. Heather's pumpkin patch and LOVED it! They also joined me for a half marathon to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
My sweet boys cheered on their Mama at the Gulf Coast Half Marathon!
Boys at Mrs. Heather's Pumpkin Patch. I HIGHLY receommend this place. SO FUN!
Beautiful orange pumpkins.
Trick-or-Treat from two little dinosaurs (note: they were not supposed to be the same thing.. Brooksie's costume came in and didn't fit).
November was very adventuresome. I was able to fulfill a dream and run the NYC marathon. I hope my boys are runners one day! The very next week, we had a death in the family and traveled to SC to stay with Mema. Even though the circumstances were sad, we were glad to visit Mema and Papa!
Crossing the finish line at the NYC Marathon!
Sweet brothers holding hands after a long card ride to SC.
Brooks spending a beautiful Fall day with Mema.
Happy Fall Y'all!
December came and we've been busier than ever! It always goes by way too quickly. I love everything about the holiday season with these two boys... decorating anything that stands still, looking at Christmas lights, teaching them about Jesus, buying them way too many presents, and watching their excited little faces. We had a wonderful Christmas Season.
Mema & Papa and all 5 of the grand-boys!
Our church, St Thomas More, during the Christmas Season. Breathtaking.
Brooksie admiring his tree.
Too excited to sleep. "Wanna lay wit me and wait for Santa?"
Just a little Christmas morning concert.
I love their sweet faces.

Helping bake a cake for their Daddy's 40th birthday!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Parker (2) and Brooks (3)
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