Welcome to the Kurtz Family! I am from south Georgia but married a NOLA boy. He swept me off my feet and moved me to the great state of Louisiana. Together we've created a precious family of two sweet boys.... only 14.5 months apart. We are busy! Brooks is silly, giggly and so much fun! Parker is sweet, cuddly, and so loving. You wouldn't know it by looking at him, but Parker has a rare disease called Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. We are learning to deal with CVS as a family and keep Parker as healthy as possible!

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Start of the Christmas Season!

Brooks woke up this morning to a decorated house, an elf, and elf juice (chocolate milk). He was AMAZED! This may even be better than Christmas morning!

Pure JOY!
There he is.. our Elf on a Shelf!
 A letter to Brooks & Parker from our Elf.
Elf juice is DELICIOUS!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Two Months Old and Life with My Toddler Boy!

Well, Parker turned two months old on Friday and big boy Brooks is 17 months old tomorrow. Our lives are so busy these days.. time is flying! We've talked a lot in the past month about how much we truly enjoy being parents of two very young babies! It is challenging for sure... but so rewarding to be able to raise these boys together. As I said, we've been busy! We've had Halloween, which Brooks LOVED! He was the cutest little Super Man I have ever seen! We've taken a trip to the aquarium. Ooh, and we also braved our first time out to eat as a family of four!! The boys did great!

Brooks and Parker are so very sweet together. Brooks is such a good helper. He always thinks Parker needs a bottle shoved in his mouth! Sweet boy.. he is becoming a much more gentle giant. Brooks lays on the floor with Parker during his tummy time and LOVES to play with his little feet in the bath. Parker is now smiling. I swear it is the sweetest smile I have ever seen! He can also roll over!! Impressive!!

I'll leave you with a cute story from Parker's pediatrician appointment. As Parker was being weighed and measured this morning, the (new) nurse commented, "Look at you, big sexy... you have grown!" I told her, "No way... the real big sexy (Brooks) is at home!"

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! We are BEYOND thankful for this life we are sharing with these children.

Psalm 107:1
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is GOOD!

Brooks playing on his early Christmas present from Mema and Papa!

This is how Parker spent Halloween!

Super Brooks!

Sweet sleeping angel. 

LSU v Bama!

Brooks was amazed by the big tanks at the aquarium. 

Look at that BIG smile! 

These two do EVERYTHING together! Sweet brothers! 

Learning to feed myself with a spoon, It is messy! 

Tummy time! 

Two months old... 12 lb 4 oz (75%) and 23 in (50%)