Welcome to the Kurtz Family! I am from south Georgia but married a NOLA boy. He swept me off my feet and moved me to the great state of Louisiana. Together we've created a precious family of two sweet boys.... only 14.5 months apart. We are busy! Brooks is silly, giggly and so much fun! Parker is sweet, cuddly, and so loving. You wouldn't know it by looking at him, but Parker has a rare disease called Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. We are learning to deal with CVS as a family and keep Parker as healthy as possible!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall Part I

My favorite season is here.... FALL! The start of the decorating season for me and lots of FUN activities for the boys! We have football, soccer, school, and parties galore! 

Kurtz boys' first day of preschool! Can you believe it??! Best buds are right across the hall from each other. Their teachers say they sit beside each other each day at snack. Couldn't be prouder of these two. 

The GOLDEN DRAGONS! If you ever need a comedy show, watch 3 & 4 year olds play soccer! 

The brothers! It is beyond perfect that eccentric little Parks is #13!

GEAUX Parker! Our baby is THREE! 

Cutest duo I know. 

Check out these excited faces!!! Mike the Tiger showed up! 

What a PRECIOUS smile! Loving that tiger! 

Corn maze at the Rural Life Center. We got LOST. We ended up leaving through the entrance! #fallfail

Brooksie & Mary heading to the LSU game. This was Brooks' first game! 

Sweetest smile ever! 

Maw Maw & Aunt Kourtney took boys to the St. George Fair. Glimpse of our lives in 12 or so years! And yes boys, you'll be sharing a car then too! 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Labor Day

For the weekend of Labor Day, we went to the picturesque Dauphin Island near Mobile, Alabama. We went with Amy, Christian, and the girls. This little island is in the middle of nowhere! But oh so pretty. I literally took 200 pictures. Great pick, Amy! I highly recommend this place to anyone looking for a closer trip to the beach! 

And that is what Brooks thought of me taking his picture. 

The original Kurtz duo! Missing Jeff, the third Kurtz brother... Who happens to be an excellent doggie sitter. :) Thanks, Jeff! 

Love this silly, crazy guy! 

The triplets... Kurtz boys and their sweet cousin Mary Beth!

How sweet. Eating Popsicles! 

Parker walking through the dunes. Couldn't this be a post card? 

There's that big guy. So proud!

Big boy Brooksie writing his name in the sand. 

Men at work! 

Looking at the deep, blue sea. 

Anna Grace learning to skim board. Little surfer girl. 

Children playing on the beach. Couldn't get any sweeter. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Summer Fun!

I can't believe summer is coming to an end. We still have one short beach trip left but SCHOOL is starting in less than two weeks! We've had such a fun time this summer. Boys took swim lessons, Brooksie turned 4, and we've taken 3 beach trips! 

Beach trip #1... Memorial Day in Gulf Shores, AL with Missy, Jason, and Sierra! Sierra was so good with the boys. They loved her! 

Swim lessons. They worked so hard! 

Brooksie is 4!! The most handsome guy I know! 

Party pics! 

Happy Birthday, dear boy! We love this guy SO much!

Beach trip #2... A week in Destin, FL! For most of the trip it was just me & my boys! They were so good & sweet!



Sweet, beautiful, baby Parker! Vacation is exhausting! 

They loved COUSIN time! All boys! 

Ahhh... The life of a Kurtz boy.

These boys were SO happy when their Daddy was able to join us!

Goodbye, beach!

Back home & working on potty training. Lord help me! Did I mention school starts in 1.5 weeks and he must be fully trained? Dear Lord, Please don't let him get kicked out of Catholic school at the age of not quite three. Amen. 

Dancing on a beautiful Louisiana summer night at Perkins Rowe. 

Beach trip #3... A weekend at Aunt Amy's beach house in Pass Christian, MS. 

Cousins are the best! 

Sweet Brooksie.. So proud of his hermit crabs.

Mary designed an obstacle course. Kurtz boy vs Kurtz boy! I'm pretty sure she wasn't impressed with their performance. 

Anna Grace taking care of our silly, wild Parker! 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mother's Day

I love Mother's Day! I really do. I think it's so special to me because I wanted to be a mom for so long. These two little guys were so worth the wait! And to think, I always dreamt of girls! 

The Mother of Boys
Handprints on cupboards
and shoes in the hall. 
Toilet seat's up and there's
mud on the wall. 

Every sports channel to
them with appeal,
And the front room doubles
as a football field. 

The shelves in the kitchen
are continuously bare.
There's toys on the couch 
and jeans on the chair.

Wrestling and mud and
cars and noise,
I'm sure you can guess 
I'm the MOTHER of BOYS!

And I love this quote too!
Mothers of little 
Boys work from
Son up ❤
till Son Down!

Happy Mother's Day, Everyone! Especially this lady!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Winter and Spring

My boys are growing up. Parker hit Brooks this week (shocker I know) and I said, "Brooks, are you ok, baby?" He said, "I'm not a baby, I a toddler, MOM!" He calls me "mom" (not mama), tells me I look "awesome" in new clothes, and tells me to wear my sunglasses so I don't get "wrinkles." Yep, Mama's boys are getting big!

They will both be starting PRESCHOOL this year! Chad and I were both a tad concerned at open house. "Does he know enough letters? Are they seriously learning addition? "Are those real 'words' on the board." "Crap, Parker must get potty trained." "Speaking of crap, we MUST see his GI!" Yikes, these boys have us going through all sorts of transitions!

In January, we started the celebration of Mardi Gras. Since this is the boys' favorite holiday, we celebrated for almost 3 months! This year we had our first Mardi Gras tree too. Brooks told Parker, "If you be good, Santa Clause bring us presents under our Mar-di Graw tree." During the month of January, Parker finally got a big boy bed. No more baby beds in this house! The boys also saw "snow" for the first time. It was really just ice but they were so excited!

Cutie pie watching a Saints play off game. 

Snow in south Louisiana!

BC who doesn't like to dress up like a cowboy?

February came and we had a lot more Mardi Gras celebrating to do! 

Spanish Town ball with Amy & Xman! So fun! Can you guess the theme? Beards are a big deal down here these days. 

Do you see how excited Brooksie is?! This boy LOVES parades!

So much fun with cousins! 

At Brooks' request, we dressed alike. The things we do...

All paraded out! Time to go home. 

March came and brought a lot of sickness for sweet Parker. A lot. His CVS episode lasted for 17 days. We didn't think it was ever going to end. Mema came to stay with us and helped so much. The woman is a saint! Parks has an appt with his GI again next week. He seems to have a bad episode once a month and throws up 1-2 days a week right now. Hoping we can find a new regimen for our baby boy. As always, he was a trooper through this whole nasty month.

Happy St Patrick's Day! 

Their new thing... They like to "balance."

We love Mema!

In April, we welcomed warm weather and Easter! It is so sweet hearing these boys sing and tell us all about Jesus. Both boys were in an Easter program at MDO. Brooks loved that stage! Parker cried. :( In April, we also learned that both boys got into our first choice for preschool next year. Can't wait to see these handsome fellas in uniforms!
Leaving their new big boy school after taking pics for the school directory. 

Easter Sunday!

What a sweet face!

Our beautiful church at Easter.

Coloring Easter eggs!

They were so proud of their eggs.

Brooksie on stage!

And there's Parker... Crying in his teacher's lap.

Brooks (3) and Parker (2)