Welcome to the Kurtz Family! I am from south Georgia but married a NOLA boy. He swept me off my feet and moved me to the great state of Louisiana. Together we've created a precious family of two sweet boys.... only 14.5 months apart. We are busy! Brooks is silly, giggly and so much fun! Parker is sweet, cuddly, and so loving. You wouldn't know it by looking at him, but Parker has a rare disease called Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. We are learning to deal with CVS as a family and keep Parker as healthy as possible!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall Part I

My favorite season is here.... FALL! The start of the decorating season for me and lots of FUN activities for the boys! We have football, soccer, school, and parties galore! 

Kurtz boys' first day of preschool! Can you believe it??! Best buds are right across the hall from each other. Their teachers say they sit beside each other each day at snack. Couldn't be prouder of these two. 

The GOLDEN DRAGONS! If you ever need a comedy show, watch 3 & 4 year olds play soccer! 

The brothers! It is beyond perfect that eccentric little Parks is #13!

GEAUX Parker! Our baby is THREE! 

Cutest duo I know. 

Check out these excited faces!!! Mike the Tiger showed up! 

What a PRECIOUS smile! Loving that tiger! 

Corn maze at the Rural Life Center. We got LOST. We ended up leaving through the entrance! #fallfail

Brooksie & Mary heading to the LSU game. This was Brooks' first game! 

Sweetest smile ever! 

Maw Maw & Aunt Kourtney took boys to the St. George Fair. Glimpse of our lives in 12 or so years! And yes boys, you'll be sharing a car then too!