Happy Summer!! The boys are having a GREAT summer! They do so many activities... visits to the zoo, the museum, library time, jump houses, the park, and of course plenty of time in the water. Brooks is not afraid of water anymore! He's really come a long way. I guess seeing wild animal Parker splashing in the pool all the time makes it seem more fun. We haven't gone on an official beach trip yet, but will be taking TWO trips soon. I'm excited!!! The boys are at a fun age this year.
To start, Brooksie is POTTY TRAINED!!! Hip hip hooray! It was actually way easier than I anticipated. You never know with Brooks! He also just turned THREE and had a really fun shark-themed birthday party (another post). Right now Brooks is into sharks, going to the park, singing and praying (it's both sweet and hysterical the things he prays for). We are trying to work on letter recognition. At this point he will only tell me C is for cookie. Go figure!
Parker is just as sweet as usual. He's talking SO well for his age! His manners are amazing!! He is the first to say thank you, excuse me, please, and love you. Really, Parker could wear a halo. He's that sweet. :) Right now Parker is into singing, dancing, baby sign language (he especially likes to sign "eat"... see a pattern??), Blues Clues, and playing in his pool. He's also pretty good at counting. Parker has also recently started doing the sign of the cross at bedtime as well. It is PRECIOUS! Enjoy the pics!
Parker.... always having fun... doing is own thing! |
Big boys playing on their car. |
Million dollar smile! He's lucky he's so cute!!! |
Sweet sleepy boy. |
A day trip to the beach with Amy, Christian, and Cousins. |
Look at those lashes! |
Heavy yard work! |
Potty Trained!!
Brothers! |
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