Welcome to the Kurtz Family! I am from south Georgia but married a NOLA boy. He swept me off my feet and moved me to the great state of Louisiana. Together we've created a precious family of two sweet boys.... only 14.5 months apart. We are busy! Brooks is silly, giggly and so much fun! Parker is sweet, cuddly, and so loving. You wouldn't know it by looking at him, but Parker has a rare disease called Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. We are learning to deal with CVS as a family and keep Parker as healthy as possible!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Six Months Old and Life With My Toddler Boy!!

Parker Samuel is SIX months old. Goodness gracious, we've made it a half year! Poor thing spent another 16 days in the hospital this month. But guess what six months old means? Big boy is finally eating solids and they are our saving grace! Parker still has reflux for sure. He somehow even manages to spit up solids. BUT, he can REST and PLAY and be a normal, HAPPY baby boy! For that, we are so thankful. Our youngest baby is now sitting up on his own (just a little wobbly) and getting up on all 4's. He is an ambitious little guy!

Brooks Carter is the happiest toddler on the block! I can't even describe how funny he is on a daily basis. I love both of these ages so much.. a cuddly six month old and a funny, silly toddler. Sweet, sweet, sweet. Brooks loves going to "school" two days a week (Mother's Day Out). The first few times he broke our hearts crying when we left. Now he walks right in like a big boy and goes straight to the toys. He LOVES school days! Brooks also loves being outside each day. The Louisiana heat is going to kill me this summer because big boy needs his outside time. He is a rough and tough little boy! He's got several new words, including "Parker." :)

Here he is.. SIX months old!

Handsome guy.  

As you can see, Brooks no longer likes getting haircuts. :(

Parker sitting in a high chair for the first time.

Brooks visited and of course he had to sit in the high chair too.

Sweet boy looking outside for his Mema to get home.

Sitting up!

Ready to go to the St. Patty's Day parade!

Sweet, happy Parker!

Our little cookie monster always has a cookie mouth.

Playing outside on the first day of Spring!


  1. Love all the pictures and I am so happy to see Parker smiling!

  2. Love those pictures, they are so precious. All look so healthy and happy. Love you'all.

  3. Your sweet boys are precious! Brooks is getting so big! He looks so tall too! So glad that Parker is getting better and solids are good to him!

  4. Parker's eyes are to die for!!! So happy to hear that he is doing better!!!
