For the weekend of Labor Day, we went to the picturesque Dauphin Island near Mobile, Alabama. We went with Amy, Christian, and the girls. This little island is in the middle of nowhere! But oh so pretty. I literally took 200 pictures. Great pick, Amy! I highly recommend this place to anyone looking for a closer trip to the beach!
And that is what Brooks thought of me taking his picture.
The original Kurtz duo! Missing Jeff, the third Kurtz brother... Who happens to be an excellent doggie sitter. :) Thanks, Jeff!
Love this silly, crazy guy!
The triplets... Kurtz boys and their sweet cousin Mary Beth!
How sweet. Eating Popsicles!
Parker walking through the dunes. Couldn't this be a post card?
There's that big guy. So proud!
Big boy Brooksie writing his name in the sand.
Men at work!
Looking at the deep, blue sea.
Anna Grace learning to skim board. Little surfer girl.
Children playing on the beach. Couldn't get any sweeter.