We are so close to having a 1 year old and a 2 year old! Can't believe it! It's funny because Parker looks like so much more of a "baby" to me than Brooks did at this age... even though Parker is ahead in every milestone. My sweet Brooks was always such a big boy!
The biggest news is Parker is WALKING! Yep, he's getting better and better every day. He's also eating all table foods. Parker eats more than anyone else in our house. It is crazy! He will eat his food and then see if Brooks has any leftovers. And he will eat ANYTHING... spinach, tomatoes, grapes, peas, carrots, dill pickles, fish, oranges... anything we give him, he eats it! He has also outgrown his milk allergy and is drinking whole milk just fine out of his sippy cup. He's finally holding his own bottle (funny bc we are almost done with it). Both of our babies have been lazy bottle holders! He's also waving and saying "bye bye." And right on cue, Parker had a CVS episode towards the end of the month, was sick for two days, then absolutely fine. Parker is THRIVING!
Big brother Brooks is so funny and sweet! Brooks has so much personality. This little toddler is hilarious. He is so giggly and fun-loving. We are still in the "anti-clothing" phase. It is a daily struggle to get him to wear clothes. If he had his way, he would spend every day in a diaper and crocs. And many days he does! Brooks is sooooo active! He loves spending mornings outside, watering flowers and washing rocks in his water table. He also still very much loves to read. He enjoys his "plane" book the most and wants to read it over and over. He is saying more and more words. Brooks will start "school" this week (Mother's Day Out). He will go two mornings a week. We had open house last week to meet his teachers. I was so excited to see my baby's name on the bulletin board. He is already saying "school." I think he is most excited to carry his new lunch box. Hope he does well!!!
Parker taking his very first steps! |
I love a chubby baby! |
Parker kissing baby dolls at his cousins' house. He has never seen a doll before.
We think he thought they were real babies. :) |
So pretty, he should have been a girl! |
The big guy with his PB&J face. If you're wondering, this is his favorite bib. |
Two big boys watching a movie. |
I love this big handsome boy! We just can't get enough of him. |
Parker loves dill pickles! |
Us with our big boy! |
Sweetest brothers! |
Eating lunch together. |
Big boys riding their cars. |
Brooks surveying the damage after the storm. |
Happy 11 months, beautiful baby boy! |
The little ring bearer at Lexi's wedding. |