The Kurtz family continues to be in for a wild ride! The babies and I have temporarily moved to North Augusta, SC, while Daddy Chad flies back and forth to Baton Rouge. There are days when everything seems against us for sure... but then we hear our Brooks saying new words and Parker laughing out loud and we are ok.
Parker spent his 3rd month birthday, 4th month birthday, AND his 5th month birthday in the hospital. Needless to say, we are pretty tired of hospitals. We have just finished a 10 day stay at Scottish Rites hospital in Atlanta. We feel like progress is finally being made!! Parker is now fed through an NJ tube (running from his nose to his intestines). He is doing fantastic on his tube feeds!! Since becoming a tubie, Parker's hair is growing back incredibly fast, his liver enzyme levels are completly within normal range, and his head tremors are less and less each day. It is amazing what good nutrition has done for him! Unfortunately, having a tube in your nose as a 5 month old isn't very convenient. We should hear from Parker's surgeon soon to decide what is next. I can't overemphasize how much better Parker is doing! Even though he gets a few sympathetic looks and questions from well meaning strangers, we are completely confident that tube feeding has been the best decision we have made for Parker. Chad and I don't even see that tube.. we just see that pretty, sweet face!
As for Brooks, he is officially 20 months old!! We will have a 2 year old on our hands very soon. Too soon! He is such a ray of sunshine each day. It is so fun to hear his little voice as he learns new words. He now says, "please," "Papa," "Daddy," uh oh," "here," and "thank you" pretty consistently. He is such a sweet little helper. He enjoys helping Mema with the laundry and unloading the dishes. Brooks is having a lot of fun here in North Augusta. Having extra help with Parker, I have been able to spend some much needed time with just my Brooks. I have MISSED that boy!
Parker receiving pet therapy from his friend Sams in the hospital! :) |
Sweet Parker finally getting some rest. |
Our little crawfish... This is what happens with a 5 month old has a tube in his nose. They put diapers on his hands to keep him from pulling it out more. He was so proud of pulling out that tube... he fell right asleep! |
Brooksie got sick for the first time EVER. The upside of getting your blood drawn.. he got a sucker for the first time!! |
After refusing to eat breakfast for a week, we discovered that Brooks would only eat if he fed himself! |
Parker Kurtz is 5 months old and GROWING! |
Sweet brothers loving each other! |