Brooks is having lots of fun as an 11 month old! His favorite toys are trains and cars. He lays on that sweet little belly and plays with those toys all day. He also still very much loves to read. I think we read about 10 books a day... seriously! His sweet little baby babble is sounding more organized too. Although we still can't pick out any real words from him, we love hearing his voice!
We prepare this month for Brooks' first birthday party! Festivities actually kick off this Saturday with a celebration in Augusta with my immediate family and closest friends. Brooks and I leave on a jet plane in the morning and can't wait!
Enjoy a few pics of our always growing baby giant!
Look at that giggly boy with all those teeth!

I think this boy is beautiful!

Becoming such a big boy... feeding himself some snacks.

Oops! Full moon alert! He will hate me for this one day! Ha Ha! He got away from me after bath time!

Rocking in Daddy's baby chair.

Happy 11 months old to our precious brown eyed boy!