Our baby boy turned 8 months old on Thursday!! His personality is oh so precious!! This month he is cutting his two top teeth, he's started finger foods (not so sure about it), and he's on all fours and doing a few "crawls" here and there. He will be all over our house any day now! Brooks loves being outside in this gorgeous, warm weather. We go on nightly strolls and have taken him to our neighborhood park. Brooks also attended his first Mardi Gras parade on Sunday. We think he enjoyed all the pretty, bright colors! That's good because he has several more this coming weekend! AND... his Mema will be here visiting... so she will experience her first Mardi Gras as well.
Always fun in the bath tub!

This is one of our first days outside when it started getting warmer. He loves being outside!

Trying puffs for the first time. He still makes this face!

But he LOVES his baby mum mums!

Brooks in his big boy clothes! He has officially grown out of onesies. :(

Playing at his first Mardi Gras parade!

My sweet ham on all 4s!!!! What a big boy!