Aside from his job as "hospital therapy baby," Brooks has had another month full of growing and learning. He now eats rice cereal like a pro! He would rather not have bottles... just give the boy a spoon. Bottles are just too time consuming I guess. He is getting very good at holding his big 7 oz bottles of milk though and he does better at feedings when he is holding the bottle himself. He also tried oatmeal cereal for the first time today. This was our big 5 month treat. Rice cereal apparently tastes kind of blah... but I think he would have turned up that bowl of oatmeal!
Brooks is also getting so STRONG. While he can't quite sit up completely on his own, he likes to pull himself up and balance sitting with his hands. I like to call him, "my little tripod.' He can also now roll over back to front and can scoot in a full 360* circle when he's doing tummy time.
Next month, Brooks will take his first trip to SC and GA. All of my GA family have yet to meet him and can't wait to get their hands on him! Needless to say, his Mema Linda is also having a fit to see this growing boy again!!
Today is also the day my Daddy went to Heaven, 9 years ago. Gosh, he would have loved this baby! I'll kiss Brooks extra on this day!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Enjoy your sweet Family Day! Please continue to keep Brooks' Paw Paw in your prayers.
What a happy boy! Pure love!!!!
Taking a break during tummy time to smile at Mommy!
Reading w Daddy in his "Cool Like Dad" pjs. Love these two!

Our little tripod!

Happy 5 Months, Sweet Boy!